Mohamed Adel Elareef Apps

جنة الاستغفار 2.0
تطبيق جنة الاستغفارنظرا للفضل الكبير للاستغفار و جزائه العظيم في الدنيا و الاخرة تمانشاء تطبيق يقوم بتكرار صوتي للاستغفار كل فترة زمنية يحددهاالمستخدم بالثوانياذا لم يكن لديك فكرة عن فضل الاستغفار ننصحك بشدة علي البحث عنفضل الاستغفار في محرك بحث جوجل و البحث عن قصص الاستغافر ايضاننتظر ارائكم و اقتراحتكم لتطوير التطبيق ليكون صدقة جارية لكل منساهم في تطويره ونشرهThe application of theCommission for forgivenessDue to the large preferred for forgiveness and great reward in thislife and the afterlife application that was created by repeatingvoice for forgiveness each time period specified by the user insecondsIf you do not have an idea about the virtues of forgivenessstrongly advise on research about the virtues of forgiveness in theGoogle search engine and search for stories also AlastgavrWaiting for your opinions and Olive Branches applicationdevelopment to be ongoing charity to all who contributed in itsdevelopment and dissemination
Maths Man 4.2
Maths Man is an advanced maths assistant thatsolves your maths problems in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry,Probability and it also has a graph engine for graphingshapes!Maths Man can:- Solve Quadratic Equation- Calculate Highest Common Factor- Calculate Factorial of a number- Get Ratio between two numbers- Calculate Absolute value (so easy)- Get Arc length- Get Parameter and Area of Square- Get Area of triangle- Get Slope of a straight line- Get Distance between two points- Get Distance between two points in 3D Space- Get Midpoint of a line segment- Get Relation between two circles- Get Relation between point and circle- Get Relation between line and circle- Convert Degrees angles to Radians (and vice versa)- Convert Radians angles to Degrees (and vice versa)- Convert Decimal angles to Degress, Minutes, and Seconds (and viceversa)- Calculate Sine- Calculate Cosine- Calculate Tane- Calculate Sine-1- Calculate Cosine-1- Calculate Tane-1- Calculate Hyperbolic Sine- Calculate Hyperbolic Cosine- Calculate Hyperbolic TaneIn addition to the exclusive section of probability andgraph!Please try Maths Man, share it with your friends and loved ones,and send us some feedback at [email protected]
قصص حياة الصحابة 1.0
يشمل هذا التطبيق قصص مجموعة من الصحابةالذينقدموا جهدا كبيرا للاسلامملاحظة أي اخطاء في الكتابة أو ما شابه فهي غير مقصودة و شكرا .This applicationincludesthe stories of a group of companions who have made a greateffortto IslamNote any errors in writing or whatever they are unintended andthankyou.